Word Of The Day For Thursday September 6, 2018

Thursday September 6, 2018


PRONUNCIATION: (buh-RAS-ik, bo-)

Also brassic (BRA-sik)

MEANING: adjective: Poor or broke.

ETYMOLOGY: Rhyming slang, boracic lint ? skint. Boracic lint was a type of medical dressing dipped in a solution of boracic/boric acid. See more at skint. Earliest documented use: 1959.

USAGE: “I have nothing. I am broke. Boracic. Poor.” Michelle Smart; The Sicilian’s Unexpected Duty; Harlequin; 2014.

A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kind of dogmas or goals, it’s always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt. -Robert M. Pirsig, author and philosopher (6 Sep 1928-2017)

Old Childhood Diary Entry For Saturday October 21, 1995

Saturday October 21, 1995

Dear Don Quixote,

Today I just babysat. When I came home, Stephanie came over with my developed pictures. Then we took 4 of the baby kittens to the SPCA to have them adopted. I was so sad to see them leave, but in my heart, I know we can’t keep them. I framed some kitty photos and did a collage. No homework was done because of Stephanie, so tomorrow I must do some homework, if I’m to pass.
Love, Tara Kimberley Torme

Reflection For Tuesday November 29, 2022

Tuesday November 29, 2022

Today I ran errands after my pain clinic appointment. It’s super freezing cold so piking up my meds & doing banking was not comfortable. Now I am home, catching up on my PVR’d shows while it’s snows outside. And tonight I look forward to a nice, hot bowl of homemade ham & split pea soup for supper. Soup makes the best meal when it is freezing cold outside.

Prayer Journal For Tuesday November 15, 2022

Tuesday November 15, 2022

Dear God,

Let me work on my projects. Let me spread kindness in the world. Let me find a way to embroider my family tree. Let me copy by hand all my addresses onto index cards. Let me put all birthdays onto index cards. Let me put name days onto index cards. Let me find a file box that is large enough for all of my cards. Let my family trees be on index cards. Let me write more poetry in my life. Let me reflect upon all of my writing. Let me get more reading done again. I give it all to you for you to deal with. In your hands. Please listen to my prayer.

To God For Tuesday November 15, 2022

Tuesday November 15, 2022

Dear God,

If Trump has been impeached twice, how is it he plans to run for President again? What was the purpose of the two impeachments if he can do what he wants? I do not understand. He got banned from 3 state funerals, the Queen’s funeral, twitter, instagram. How can he run again? How are there people who follow him, support him, like him? Can you please explain to me the rules & consequenses? If there is a rule that is broken, does that mean you get punished? What is the purpose of impeachment if Trump finds a way around that, God?