Writing Prompt For Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Your Weekly Writing Prompt

Harry Potter Comes To Your House: What if Harry Potter came to your house for dinner? Write this scene as if you were a teenager, he’s new to your school and you’re introducing him to your parents. Also, after dinner, he makes a request of you. What is it?

Old Diary Entry For Friday July 19, 1996

Friday July 19, 1996

Dear Data,

Today was another rainy boring day. I worked on organizing my address books and organizing my room. I now have the credenza for my stuff. I have more room. I talked to Melissa on the phone finally. We couldn’t get together because she was too busy for me. I saw all of the opening Olympics on TV from 5pm – 10 pm. I liked every minute of it. There are 197 countries competing competing one of them is Latvia that is included. I am very glad about that. I hope that it is sunny tomorrow so that the laundry can be done. There is so much laundry to be done. Tomorrow I have to babysit my new client, Kevin. I have to pick up a book from the library. Now, I am going to do some heavy reading. Love, Tara Kimberley Torme

Reflection For Saturday April 29, 2023

Saturday April 29, 2023

Today my mother & I walked to our local dollar store for retail therapy. I found a few items I can use for the neighbourhood cohort. It’s a super slow process as there’s a lot of planning & lots to do. And I’ve got lots of components to this. And my limited time & energy makes it challenging for me to do more stuff.