Writing Prompt For Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Your Weekly Writing Prompt Superhero Twist: You receive a mysterious call from a friend who asks you to meet him or her at a secret location. When you arrive, that friend reveals that he or she is, by night, a superhero. What’s more, the friend needs your help in solving the latest case. Only problem is you can’t help. When your friend asks why you reveal the big twist-you’re the villain.

Prayer Journal For Tuesday April 19, 2022

Tuesday April 19, 2022

Dear God,

Keep my faith strong & pure. Let me never waver from my belief in you. Let me always be accepting of other faiths, knowing it matters not how you worship. Let me always find a way to pray, especially the Rosary. Let me find/make time to meditate daily, no matter how little time I have. Let me find ways to find just a minute daily for you. I give it to you to deal with. In your hands. Please listen to my prayer.

To God For Tuesday April 19, 2022

Tuesday April 19, 2022

Dear God,

Why is there a decline in faith? Why is there a rise in secular society? Why is aethiesm on the rise? Why don’t more people go to church on Sunday? Why don’t we have prayer & church services in public schools? Why are we not learning about all religion, religious history in the public schools? Why is there not an option to learn about religion in school in a positive way? Why can’t we make it a positive & an inclusive experience for all, God?

What a poem means to me IIBy: Tara Kimberley Torme

May 11, 1995

What a poem means to me II
By: Tara Kimberley Torme

A poem is a portrait sketched in words.
It is the grammar of the soul.
A poem is a stroll upon the boulevard of time,
A dream that comes to those who are awake.
A poem is the dance of the pen.
We can see it waltzing with the words upon the page.
People say that a poem is the language of the heart,
But it really is the synonym for the soul.
I disagree when someone says that a poem is a song of mockingbirds
When it really is the fragrance of a forgotten rose.
A poem is a sermon from the stars,
A pure breath from the soul.
A poem is not a scheme to conquer death
But it is the ultimate power of Rome at it’s peak.

Word Of The Day For Thursday October 31, 2019

Thursday October 31, 2019

Red Queen hypothesis

PRONUNCIATION: (red kween hy-POTH-uh-sis)

MEANING: noun: The hypothesis that organisms must constantly adapt and evolve in order to survive in an evolutionary arms race.

ETYMOLOGY: Proposed by the biologist Leigh Van Valen (1935-2010). Earliest documented use: 1973.

NOTES: In Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass the Red Queen tells Alice: “Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.” Evolutionary biologist Leigh Van Valen used that as a metaphor to describe how competing species must keep up with one another. For example, in a predator and prey relationship, if the prey evolves to run faster, the predator must keep up or go extinct.

USAGE: “The Red Queen hypothesis — adapt or die — offers a particularly dour outlook for those who measure their pulse online. Alice never gains any Instagram followers. Her extinction is internet invisibility.” Kaitlin Phillips; In This Tale of Online Intimacy, the Only Wise Characters Are Luddites; The New York Times; Apr 13, 2017.

A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: There is a budding morrow in midnight. -John Keats, poet (31 Oct 1795-1821)