Word Of The Day For Wednesday October 3, 2018

Wednesday October 3, 2018



MEANING: noun: A repetition of words, especially for emphasis.

ETYMOLOGY: From Greek palin (again) + -logy (words). Related words are palinode and palindrome. Earliest documented use: 1721.

USAGE: “The living, the living … I cry a palilogy of parchment!” Neil Baker; G Day: Please God, Get Me off the Hook; Author House; 2010.

A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Once a country is habituated to liars, it takes generations to bring the truth back. -Gore Vidal, writer (3 Oct 1925-2012)



I’m in grade eight at Westmount High School in Montreal. I’m in regular English after having been “accidentally” put into the advanced English. I do not like my English teacher. I do not like the class. The teacher is super weird. He’s angry a lot. I wish I could be back in Mr. Bracegirdle’s English class where we learn things. I am mad & angry I’m not in the class where I feel I belong. One day I see my teacher getting super angry at one of my classmates. I see him pick up a flesh. He throws it across the room towards one of my classmates. I am shocked. I am scared. I have never seen anything like this before. I have not seen anything like that since. I still remember that day.

Reflection For Saturday October 29, 2022

Saturday October 29, 2022

Today I reflect upon the super awesome Neighbourhood Cohort I am part of. It’s a small group of people who get together once a week to discuss cool ways to have discussions & interact with strangers in a positive way. It’s a way to make a positive change in the world in a small way. Once cannot change the big problems of the world. But one can find ways by making a small difference to a few.

Prayer Journal For Saturday October 15, 2022

Saturday October 15, 2022

Dear God,

I want to eat soup. I want nothing but soup. I do not want other food except for tea & soup. I want to have plenty of rest. I want to get better from the flu so I can do things again. I want my migraines to go away. I want my sore throat to be gone. I want to stop coughing like crazy. I want to breathe much easier. I want to be able to go outside again. I want to get some fresh air again. I give it all to you for you to deal with. In your hands. Please listen to my prayer.

To God For Saturday October 15, 2022

Saturday October 15, 2022

Dear God,

Why is BC clear cutting the forests to make wood pellets to burn as fuel? And why are we sending it to the UK for a “clean” energy? Why are we promoting it as a safe renewable resource? It takes at least 40 years to grow a tree, how is that renewable? Why are we destroying the habitat for all of the animals who live there? Why is there still a coloniast mentality of taking everything in sight? Why are we not doing more to conserve what we have for the future? Why is mankind so hell bent on destroying our planet? Can you answer, God?